A stable person is one who has embraced and incorporated tried and true principles upon which to base their life's decisions. They are not swayed to follow the easy road, or to avoid the difficult path, for they know that the truest places are those not easy to get to. They are often seen as a mentor by others...a pillar upon which to lean. This is true because they have faced their own weaknesses and are working to overcome them. They have become grounded by standing on principles that run deep into practical self-evident truths. Every time they make a decision based on these types of principles; they reinforce themselves. Habits and patterns become constant. These reinforcing patterned beliefs become a Fortification. A person who is a Fortification can always be trusted...for they have built for themselves a wonderful gift...they have trust in themselves.


  • I explore values in general, especially those which I would like to establish in my own life.
  • I show emotional stability.
  • I demonstrate constancy in healthy daily choices.
  • I inquire of others which principles they follow and how doing so has positively influenced their lives.
  • When given the opportunity, I teach principles and values.
  • I am not easily swayed from my values.
  • I seek self-evident truths, and how to follow them.

Fortification (Petro-Person)

In Meso-America, and across the Southwest of the United States, the stair-step image can be found in glyphs, and literally in the form of buildings. The image represents, temple, mountain, fortified place, and stronghold. The figure is wedge shaped, strong, stable, unflappable, and capable of being a pillar for others.

Style: W/ Keychain