(Photos at the bottom of this page)

A life of it's own

One of the reasons we decided to create Your Symbols and make them available to everyone is the incredible reception of these symbols in the lives of those who have experienced them. For many people who have received these tangible tokens, the significance has gone way beyond what we could have imagined.

Weddings, Reunification, Remembering, Commemorating

Years after receiving his symbols, one young man ceremoniously proposed to his soon-to-be wife by offering pendant symbols to her…along with the ring! Another couple added the mutual giving and receiving of their symbols during their actual wedding ceremony. A man, who had been estranged from his father and brother for many years, brought the family back together by choosing symbols for them, inviting them to a special place, giving them their symbols, talking about his own, and reuniting brothers and sons. One young woman, who’s boarding school didn't allow wearing jewelry around campus, wore her symbols at night while she slept, safekeeping them under her pillow during the day. Another young woman painted her symbols on the climbing wall in her neighborhood (she got permission). Still another young woman painted her symbol on a wall along a street in Chicago (permission status unknown.)


One utterly unexpected phenomenon has also occurred over the decades. For many people, their symbols are so important to them, they have decided to make their symbols part of who they physically are…literally. From young people to grandparents, the phenomenon of people turning their symbols into tattoos has been an unpredicted surprise. We get informed regularly of the next person who has commemorated their beautiful achievements and characteristics, into beautiful permanently worn art.

Deeply Special Story

For years a young man deeply struggled over the tragic death of his beloved mother. His sadness ran deep and seemed as though it would never go away. On a beautiful wind-blown sunny spring morning, at the foot of a mountain, this young man and his father chose a symbol for their dear mother and wife, commemorating her life. They put the pendant and some small desert flowers in a special pouch and hiked to the top of the peak. There they spoke of her, and in their way, spoke to her. They buried the small bundle in that now sacred space…months later they both got tattoos of the same symbol.

You Too

We know Your Symbols and their meanings are special and have been deeply meaningful to hundreds of people over many years. We hope Your Symbols will be deeply meaningful to you too. (You don't necessarily have to get a tattoo.)