Some pain is unspeakable and seems to send taproots down to the very source of human anger, shame, hurt, and resentment. This is the sort of pain that mocks willpower, hope, and peace. This pain beckons the heart to sink into dark depths, shrink into frail corners, or seek invulnerable stone silence. Some pain makes it difficult to breath, or to remain awake in life…yet…there are ways to work toward awakening. These ways are varied and numerous and are often more available than I recognize. Many of these ways have to do with reaching out to others for help, and accepting help when it is offered, even if not asked for.

When I do begin to awaken… I understand… I may not be responsible for all the sources of pain in my heart, but I am responsible for the pain I hold in my heart now. Being responsible for it, I therefore I am also free to rise above hold it no more...if others are responsible for my pain, only they have power to take it away, power I freely lend them. A significant aspect of healing is the ceasing of lending power away.

To experience pain is to become capable of feeling the depths of the pain of those I can now help. This is a gift to me. I am a gift to others. Is there no other way?!... I choose to turn all of this into power and make wings! I choose to turn it into power and fly! Do not feel sorry for me!! Would you take away the winds and storms I have learned to surmount!? Do not feel sorry for me!! Can you not see!? I have learned to Rise Above!! I have learned that I can choose! I can choose!! And I… am… free….


  • I am ceasing blaming the trauma of my past for my current behavior.
  • I am rising above that which has happened to me in the past.
  • I see the connection between forgiving (myself, others, etc.) and “Rising Above.”
  • I courageously tell the truth about (and otherwise stand up to) abusers I have encountered in my life.
  • I seek to see all people as people, even oppressors, victimizers, and abusers.
  • I teach others how to rise above abuse and memories of it.
  • I have given myself permission to fully mourn for my losses and grief.
  • I recognize the value of my post-traumatic resilience, and what I can now offer the world.
  • I have a peculiar positivity for having gone through so much.

Rise Above (Petro-Person)

This figure occurs on a stone with a handful of other figures similar to it. Pecked into the rock 'over' these figures are multiple human bare feet prints. Such prints represent danger or a dangerous place. The winged figures represent getting away from the danger, escaping from harm, traveling away from the bad place, or in effect rising above the bad situation. The symbol in the middle of this figure is that of a feather, which means to heal, or the act of healing.

Style: W/ Leather Necklace