Choosing to be a student is not the same thing as going to school. Being a student is having interests in the world beyond our present knowledge and then following those interests. It is moving outside our-selves and seeking to understand the knowledge and wisdom of others. It is having a sense of satisfaction that we learned a new thing today. It is walking humbly knowing that, in the grand scheme of things, we know very little, and would like to know more.
Sometimes we can be resistant to learning. Usually, in these cases, our resistance is not about resisting learning, it is about resisting something else we relate to learning. We may resist people or teaching styles. We may resist the hard work it takes to stick with the difficult aspects of academics. We may resist traditional teaching models that don't fit with our learning style. We may have trauma around institutional systems where we had bad experience and therefore never want to encounter those environments again. We may be resisting positive things about ourselves, thinking ourselves unintelligent, undeserving, or unworthy. These are all forms of resistance that can be navigated…when we become a Seeker, we begin navigating them. The seeking itself is the most important part.
- I recognize the value in learning and discovering throughout my life.
- I understand and appreciate my learning styles.
- I capitalize on my unique learning styles by seeking out the places and people that fit with them.
- I have genuine inquisitiveness (about plants, animals, planets, countries, etc.)
- I try to think deeply about things, to understand meanings and connections.
- I seek out books that teach me the best of lessons.
- I want to learn something new today.