The only sort of giving that matters is the giving that comes from the heart. My value to this world is innately important, and uniquely mine. Therefore, when I share of myself, I share what no one else can. Genuinely giving of my personal time or energies to another requires me to stop thinking about myself. When I stop fixating on myself, often my own fears, insecurities, and self-esteem worries diminish. I become less interested in what is wrong with me, or around me, and more interested in how I have helped, and will help another. When I lift another’s burdens, my own become lighter. When I seek to help another heal, my own wounds are healed. It is in the act of me making of myself an Offering to others, that my own true needs are satisfied.
- I offer help to others through physical service.
- I recognize the value I have to others and what I can give.
- I show love toward others.
- I seek to comfort others.
- I recognize other’s specific needs and seek to help them in those specific ways.
- I recognize the difference between helping and “needing to be needed.”
- Today I will find creative ways to serve others without being asked, and without the recipient finding out.