The Power of Your Symbols


The Story of Your Symbols

The foundations of Your Symbols run deep. Click below to learn why and how Your Symbols can be a powerful gift for you and those you love. Research shows Your Symbols may be the most valuable gift you can give or receive.

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my whole life


“I was given the “Rise Above” and the “Arrive” and “Inner Courage.” Somewhere between the places I’ve moved from since then I have lost
my pendants. I had them all together in a bag with my grandpa’s dog tags from World War Two and I lost the whole thing, and I don't have any of them anymore. I have looked everywhere for over a year now hoping they will appear, and they have not. Those pendants meant so much to me. I wanted to have them to hold on to my whole life. If you could send me those three pendants it would me so much to me. I just want to have my pendants again.